CBE 90
Course Number: CBE90
Course Name: Sustainable Energy Systems
Units: 3
When is it offered? Spring
Requirement Satisfied: Lower Division Elective
Concentration(s): None specifically, good for Energy & Environment
Summary: This class provides a good summary of many energy-related topics that are not otherwise covered in the core chemical engineering curriculum. This involves biofuels, solar technology, wind, sustainable resource management, and others. Many guest lecturers are invited to speak and provide good insight into their field of expertise.
Official Prerequisites: CBE 40
LEGIT Prerequisites: None
Topics Covered: Introduction to Energy Use, CO2 Emissions and Sequestration, Electrical Energy Generation and Distribution, Energy Demand of Transportation, Biofuels, Hydrogen Economy, Storage of Electrical Energy, Automotive Pollutants, Geothermal Generation, Life Cycle Analysis, Building Efficiency, Solar Energy, Greenhouse Gas Policy, Economics of Energy and Conservation
Workload: Problem set every week that doesn't take more than an hour. No midterms, no final. One final class project that isn't graded too harshly but can take a while to finish.
When to take? After freshman year.
"Whats next" Courses? N/A'
Usefulness for research / internships: Useful to get an idea of the range of sustainable energy research and industry topics that are currently relevant. Good to put on resume to say you have had a brief introduction of sustainable technologies in general.
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