CBE 176

Course Number: CBE176

Course Name: Electrochemical Processes

Units: 3

When is it offered? Spring

Requirement Satisfied: Upper Division CBE Elective

Concentration(s): Chemical Processing, Energy & Environment, Materials

Summary: Principles and application of electrochemical equilibria, kinetics, and transport processes.

Official Prerequisites: 141, 150B

LEGIT Prerequisites: Understanding of transport is important as well as kinetics (150B/142)

Topics Covered: Basic electrochemical principles, interfacial phenomena (kinetics/Butler volmer, thermodynamics), electron transport (diffusion, convection), electroanalytical methods (cyclic voltametry, etc), photocatalytic and cathodic protection applications

Workload: Problem sets once every ~10 days. overall, homework is worth less than 10%; 2 midterms are worth 27% each, final worth around 36%. Problem sets will take a while to complete fully.

When to take? Junior/senior year (after 141/150B)

"Whats next" Courses? N/A

Usefulness for research / internships: Useful for battery research; provides an in-depth application of transport/kinetics/thermodynamics to battery systems. However overall the class is quite theoretical; it would take a conjunction of this class & hands-on application in a lab or work environment for a holistic understanding of electrochemistry.

Added Comments or Tips: Lecture is very important; Prof McCloskey is very organized and teaches well but the supplementary textbooks aren't as well-organized. Additionally, the class is around 50% grad students; however undergrads and grad students are graded on separate scales.

AIChE Berkeley