CBE 162
Course Number: CBE 162
Course Name: Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes
Units: 4
When is it offered? FALL/SPRING
Requirement Satisfied: CORE
Concentration(s): N/A
Past Professors: Balsara, Mesbah
Summary: This class focuses on MATLAB and Simulink to create and modify controllers for ChemE systems. You use block diagrams to design a process and modify a controller in order to achieve the goal (e.g. product, cost). For Balsara, lab section is required and exams have both a written and electronic portion.
Official Prerequisites: E7, ChemE 142, 154, and 150 series
LEGIT Prerequisites: E7, ChemE 142, 154, and 150 series
Topics Covered: Dynamic behavior of chemical processes, control methods, simulations by computer
Workload: Problem sets weekly, lab assignments weekly on MATLAB and Simulink (due by the end of the lab period). Balsara gave one midterm including a written and electronic portion. Same with the final.
When to take? Spring Junior or later
"Whats next" Courses? CBE 160
Usefulness for research / internships: Balsara brought in a process engineer from Chevron to talk about how this class is applicable to industry. This class is useful for process engingeering and controlling chemical plants.
Added Comments or Tips: Study on MATLAB functions that will save you time when completing assignments (Balsara).